Course info
Course Overview
The Emergency Nursing Course is in-house course designed to provide nurses with knowledge and skills on the concept of triage, and enable the learners to assign appropriate triage priority and develop effective strategies for the immediate care of adult and paediatric patients in the Emergency Department. Nurses will learn to recognise and evaluate the mechanism of injury and prioritize the cases which require urgent medical intervention in the emergency setting to achieve the best possible outcome from the medical treatment.
With support and active participation from specialists and trained staffs in emergency nursing, the course will align nursing knowledge and skills in emergencies. Participants will learn to develop effective strategies for airway management, critical trauma conditions and the immediate care of the adult and paediatric patients in the emergency setting.
Course Objectives
The Emergency Nursing Course would equip participants with the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts into clinical practice in order to facilitate competency in the emergency setting for safe practice and care delivery.
Upon completion the course, the participants will be trained to:
- Recognize critical changes in conditions requiring emergency interventions.
- Implement appropriate nursing interventions and management for patients with respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, trauma, burns, endocrine, obstetric, gynaecological, paediatric, abdominal, genito-urological, metabolic and toxicological emergencies.
- Demonstrate problem-solving approach in the assessment, planning and delivery of nursing care with appropriate rationale to the patients requiring emergency interventions.
- Demonstrate critical thinking and clinical decision-making in emergency nursing.
- Demonstrate reflective practice and professional development of self and others.
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